A message of the IBS in the video here explains us how to become a member of the IBS.
Follow the 9 steps!
"Welcome, dear brothers and sisters. We have started the IBS to promote cultural excellence from sea to sea. You want to become a member of the IBS ? Join us by experiencing these nine steps of our initiation process : One, "Admittance", Two, "The Last Stand", Three, 'Burn it All', Four, " Last Day", Five, "Thousand Eyes", Six, "House of Warship", Seven, "House of Control", Eight, "Church of Endurance", and the ninth and final step we call "Need". After succesfully listening to Shining's new album from start to finish, three full times, you will have gained enough cultural excellence to officialy become a "Neophyte", first order of the IBS. Welcome. It starts with one, from secrecy, but soon we rise, from sea to sea"